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Summer 2006 Newsletter

After a very productive 2005, I look forward to this year and making many new photographs and friends. There are lots of workshops I'm teaching at this year, plus several private tutorials already scheduled in Phoenix and other locations. There are a number of creative projects to be completed, as well as the celebration of a major milestone for me, my 60th birthday. When I was Brett Weston's assistant he would always say "Ah, to be a young man of 60 again"! I sure hope he was right!

Starting a few months ago, we have been having photography shows at John Kitt's 422 Gallery here in Phoenix. In addition to shows of the "Landscape" and the current "Contact Print" show, we have featured fine photographs from Ansel Adams, Karl Blossfeldt, Imogene Cunningham, Paul Caponigro, Linda Connor, Edward Curtis, Randy Efros, as well as Edward, Brett (including sculpture), Cole and our pal Kim Weston. We also include the work of local and visiting photographers when we have theme shows. If you are in Phoenix on the Third Friday of any month, please stop by 422 and see us. Check out the new 422 section of this website for information and snaps of the shows.

The first Efros/Klukas Arca-Swiss/Large Format Workshop of 2006 is scheduled for March 10-12 in Flagstaff, Arizona. This workshop is a great one for familiarizing yourself with the view camera, improving your technique, and taking some great photographs. Come join us for the fun. Contact Rod Klukas at 480-206-4770 or 800-777-6627 to enroll. More information on this and other workshops is included in the Workshop section of this website.

I will again be assisting my friends Kim and Gina Weston by co-teaching at their Large Format Workshop in Carmel on June 2-4. These are really great workshops held at Edward Weston's historic Wildcat Hill home. Not only will you learn a lot, you will be treated to Kim & Gina's incredible hospitality. Limited to only 6 participants, these workshops fill up fast, so contact and sign up now.

Kim & I are returning to Scotland this year to teach another Weston/Efros workshop at Hospitalfield on August 14-20. This is a great chance to immerse yourself in photography in a truly creative environment. You will really enjoy yourself and should go home with many great photographs. You can view the work I did at Hospitalfield and surrounding areas in 2004, and you can check out Kim's photographs at Enrollment is limited to only 8 participants, so sign up early while there is still space available. To sign up contact Kim & Gina at or Martin Reekie at

My private tutorials are very popular and taking one could help you improve your photographs in a short time. In addition to private printing lessons at your darkroom or mine, I also give tutorials that cover the entire discipline of working with the camera to make the proper negative in order to make the fine print you envision. I believe that by photographing, then developing and printing your negatives right away, you will strengthen and assure your eye for the next time you photograph. This was Brett Weston's way of working that fortunately rubbed off on me. Contact me to set up a tutorial to meet your needs.

I am always happy to answer any questions on my photography, the workshops and tutorials. Photography is a passion with me and I always love to show and look at photographs. Be sure and let me know if you are ever in the Phoenix area. You are always welcome to visit and we can always go photographing.


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