Join Rod and Randy in
Tucson, AZ on March 22-23, 2008, for a weekend of refining and
learning Large Format Photography with the Arca Swiss Camera System.
The unique qualities of
Large Format Photography will be explained with a hands-on approach in
several locations around Tucson, Arizona. We will work with buildings
and abstract, as well as, close-up subject matter.
On our other day we will work on landscape in desert/mountain areas
weather permitting. We may also visit an air museum with many aircraft
on display.
At all of these stops Randy
and Rod will be working with everyone on an individual basis to refine
their technique with their camera on an image they would like to make.
The workshop is limited to a maximum of 12 participants.
While there will be an
emphasis on the Arca Swiss system, all brands of large format cameras
are welcome, as well as, anyone thinking of moving into Large Format
photography or entertaining a change in cameras.
Randy Efros began his career as a Fine Arts Photographer over thirty
years ago.
A native of Arizona, Efros traveled extensively in The United States and
abroad seeking a wide variety of subject matter for his work. Working
both in color and black and white, what is now a large body of work best
termed ‘abstract’, has resulted in over thirty one-man shows and 13
His photographic talents early on brought him to the attention of the
Weston family and resulted in him working closely with Cole and
especially Brett Weston. He currently collaborates with Kim Weston on
several workshops as well.
See his work at: www.randyefros.com.
Rod Klukas spent 8 years in the Marine Corps before being retired and
entering Arizona State University where he received a BA in History and
a BA in Geography, and also minored in Philosophy. After graduation he
began to photograph extensively and discovered the View Camera. He found
his calling.
He began to teach and subsequently received
a Masters of Fine Arts in Photography from Arizona State University.
After attending an Oliver Gagliani workshop, Oliver hired Rod and he was
Oliver’s first assistant for several years.
He currently teaches Large Format
Photography, as well as, the History of Photography, at Scottsdale
Community College in Scottsdale, Arizona. Many have also flown in for
private lessons with Rod from all over the United States.
His work is held in many private and public
collections around the United States. He is also Professional Product
Manager at Photomark in Phoenix, Arizona. To join us for this
opportunity to learn more about the use of your Large format Camera or
to try out an Arca Swiss camera sign up by Mar 10, 2007.
See his work at:
The cost is $350.00 per person. This does not cover transportation or
room and board. Sorry, we cannot take credit cards so check or money
orders only. Send your check/money order with the form below to:
Rod Klukas
1701 S. Cholla
Mesa, AZ 85202
We will meet on Friday evening to get acquainted and begin our
instruction on Saturday morning and continue thru Sunday afternoon.
Tucson is beautiful with balmy evenings. You
will want good hiking shoes/boots and might want a good jacket. While we
do not hike extensively we do walk over rocky ground in some areas.
Tucson can be quite dry, so be prepared to
carry water in your vehicle and on you. Call Rod for film suggestions
and any other equipment needs or questions.
Info on places to stay and film and filter
suggestions will be sent upon receipt of payment for workshop. Join us!
Please return this part of form with
payment, Thank You.
Click here to print out
workshop flyer and registration form.